Monday, October 20, 2008
Celebrate the Mommy!
Monday, October 13, 2008
I am going to work on being more consistent with my blogging, so I am searching thru the memes to see what fits well with my soul. Here is my first attempt!
Proverbs 4 :12 states, "When you walk, your steps shall not be hampered [your path will be open and clear]; and when you run, you shall not stumble."
That is my promise for our living room for today!
Monday, September 8, 2008
Back to Routines, School work, and Good Books!
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Memorial Day memories
Monday, May 12, 2008
MommyFest 2008 !!
Thursday, April 17, 2008
9 days and a life changed...
It is Spring! Why Not Begin a Science Notebook?by Cindy Rushton
Today being inside just tortures me! It is STUNNING outside! Even the little birds are begging us to go outside.
Are you like me, dying from "cabin fever" and ready for spring? This is the perfect time to begin Nature Notebooks! Not only will you have an abundance of treasures awaiting your exploration, but these are perfect days to try something fresh. Ready? Let me help…
Chances are you already have many things that could be included in a Science Notebook around your home. Look for those "goodies" that do not have their own special place and add them to your Science Notebooks. This is the perfect opportunity to develop "a place" for those "goodies" while developing a nice product for displaying all the growing knowledge of nature all while your children are keeping special memorabilia! One of the things that I like about using supplies intended for scrapbooking is that there are so many products that enable us to keep bulky materials safely inside of our notebooks. Not to mention, scrapbooking makes EVERY notebook so much cuter! J And…to imagine that we call this "school!"
Want some ideas of things to include in your notebooks???
· Sketches...Don’t forget to include date, time, place, Latin name, and common name. Oh! Don’t forget to document where you found it.
· Snapshots…Don’t forget to journal about your snapshot!
· Pressed flowers, leaves, feathers, butterflies, etc.
· Glossary of terms studied…
· Artwork… (Nature art, original drawings, coloring pages…)
· Diagrams…
· Poetry…
· Information about discoveries…
· Lists of new findings…
· Handouts from trips…
· Narrations from trips, outings, hikes, nature walks, books read about nature or scientists/naturalists…
· Timeline…Mark your excursions, inventions, famous men and women, so on!
· Instruction Sheets on "How to Care for..." or "How to Collect..." etc.
· Booklets...
· Project data...
· Bible verses...
· Journal entries…
· Details from outings…
· Favorite quotes about nature…
· Reading list…
· Research...
· Reports...
· Essays…
· Science experiment logs…
· Notes from any Science study…
You can add a lot of life to your Science Notebooks with special supplies you find along the way! I have found that the little touches have made our notebooks so much more fun and in the process hooked my children.
Encourage your children to use die-cuts, frames, stencils, shapes, and edgings galore to make their notebooks fun and beautiful! My children now beg each weekend to work on our binders/scrapbooks. We have taken these simple skills into other projects for our Science studies such as creating books or booklets…making cards with pressed flowers, sketches, poetry and Scripture verses…and displaying our collections. The key is to just have fun and enjoy making your notebooks all yours!
Happy Notebooking!
About Cindy Rushton…
Cindy Rushton is the hostess of the Ultimate Homeschool Expo, the very first online homeschool convention. She is recording Preview Chats for the Ultimate Homeschool Convention RIGHT NOW! Join her wonderful guests FREE for the next weeks as they count down to the Ultimate Homeschool Expo (April 28-May 3, 2008--BUT! NEVER ENDING because it is an ONLINE Convention!). Get your ticket NOW and receive her awesome A Quick Start for Notebooking Mini-Set FREE today! Check out all of the details here:
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Do I have news for you!
I just got an email from my friend, Cindy Rushton. She is "pumped" about her upcoming Ultimate Homeschool Expo. Actually, she is so "pumped" that she has just shared a sneak peek into her Membership Site.
You see one of the neat things about the Ultimate Homeschool Expo is that everything is ONLINE. Cindy builds a private, exclusive Membership Site that includes everything from the UHSE in one place--it has audios (from all of the sessions and from the bonus gifts that her speakers give to us), ebooks, complete unit study guides, articles, printable notebooking pages, cookbooks, on and on. I can't believe all of the things that we receive for only $40. It is truly ULTIMATE!
Anyway, back to the reason that I am sharing with you...
Cindy just sent me permission to give you a sampler of one of her free gifts that is included on the Membership Site. I am so excited to give it to you! It is a audio and ebook set that she actually sells on her website, but she is giving away on the Membership Site. Here is the link:
Oops! My Cup is Empty and My Coffee Pot is Broke! Audio Workshop Download With Cindy Rushton
Tired? Weary? Find yourself overwhelmed by the tremendous load of motherhood? Do you consider this one of the most demanding, yet rewarding roles you will ever fill…yet that send shivers down your spine? Join Cindy as she exhorts you in your high calling. This workshop shares Cindy’s heart as she shares about those good days and bad days…sweet memories and rather bitter moments that have made life so precious all along the way. Taking you on a journey back in Scripture to meet Hannah, Cindy will share God’s answers to her heart cry during times she has found her OWN cup empty while “everything” continued to hit all at once!! The biblical insights are sure to draw YOUR heart to your Heavenly Father AND to those you are pouring into. Join us as Cindy ministers encouragement and direction straight from the Word of God to your heart, soul, and mind!
Download by Mp3
Isn't that FUN?
You know the saying that a picture captures a thousand words,well...what about a a gift like this??? And, just think...this is only ONE of the awesome gifts included on the Membership Site. There are hundreds more!
Take my word for it, you will WANT a ticket to this event and access to all of the wonderful resources. Grab your ticket here:
Sincerely Yours,Mera
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
I turned around and it was April!
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Why does chocolate taste so good?
I don't know if my food issues came from having to guard my plate from my family members. (They would steal food off my plate when I weren't looking, simply to be funny. My grandfather could switch plates with you if you weren't careful. He was good.) Maybe my issues come from growing up very poor, and knowing what food stamps were at a very young age, and what getting food pantry food meant. We went through some hard times when I watched my parents worry about where the next meal was going to come from. My food issues could just be my bad habits, or my desire to seek comfort from food instead of God. All I know is I have issues.
My weight is now a problem. I am lethargic, and my back aches from all the pounds it has to support. I get scared when I accidentally see myself in the mirror when I am changing clothes...I try to avoid it as much as possible. I stopped exercising when I started having kids. I just didn't take the time, I thought joining a sports league was selfish, and finding a babysitter all the time was a hassle. After 8 years of this my body needs a new course of action. Heck, it needs any action it can get!
I am praying for God to show me how I can fit exercise in my life. He always delivers.
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Breaking down Resolutions in 2008
Yup, I want a better relationship with the Master Planner. He created hope, change and growth. He created me. Heck, He created calendars!! His word says if I draw near to Him, He will draw near to moi, James 4:8, Mera-phrased. I am pretty much clear on how...schedule and do my Bible reading, commit to praying more alone and with others, journaling what He tells me lest I forget (which I will if I don't write it down!), and reaching out to others for the sake of the Gospel - which will always remind you of His Love. will I sustain this vertical momentum? Ok, I have started meeting with some beautiful women for accountability and reading. We read 10 chapters a week, and I am marking off what I have read (measurable!) to see how much of the Bible I read by the end of the year.
I am trying to journal, hence this blog. I will be writing the more personal things ya'll don't care to know in a book at home, but suffice to say you can read most of My Journey '08 right here.