I find myself once again enjoying a fresh new calendar. Yes, this is the 24th day of 2008, and no I didn't just buy a new calendar.
I have a calendar fetish. Big empty squares. Clean white pages. Just waiting for my pencil, my pen, my highlighter, my stickers.
Each month's empty pages hold so much potential for
Besides the fact that I love to use my calendar for normal stuff like scheduling doctor appointments for 7 humans and 3 pets, Awana theme nights, and Stampin' Up! events, I use my calendar for making menus, cleaning schedules, recording milestones, and to do lists. My calendar is the epicenter for recording the time eaters of my busy, large family.
What the heck does this have to do with resolutions? The obvious answer is January 1 starts the new calendar and the rush to faux-commit (I made this word up, my family calls this Mera-phrasing!) ourselves to changing every weakness into a strength.
But, I am not always obvious. Thoroughly versed in goal setting and not so thoroughly versed in project planning, I am resolving to break down each resolution into manageable, bite sized action steps. Measurable, with a timeframe. Doable.My biggest and most sweeping resolution for 2008 is to see myself succeed. I define success as meeting and hopefully exceeding my life goals.
Yup, I want a better relationship with the Master Planner. He created hope, change and growth. He created me. Heck, He created calendars!! His word says if I draw near to Him, He will draw near to moi, James 4:8, Mera-phrased. I am pretty much clear on how...schedule and do my Bible reading, commit to praying more alone and with others, journaling what He tells me lest I forget (which I will if I don't write it down!), and reaching out to others for the sake of the Gospel - which will always remind you of His Love.
So...how will I sustain this vertical momentum? Ok, I have started meeting with some beautiful women for accountability and reading. We read 10 chapters a week, and I am marking off what I have read (measurable!) to see how much of the Bible I read by the end of the year.
Romans 15:4 says, "For everything that was written in the past was written to teach
us, so that through endurance and the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have
hope." Cool, huh?
I have enlisted Mr. Incredible, aka my hubby, to pray with me for 40 days on a number of things for the people and situations in our lives. We pray every night before we go to bed. YEA!!
I am trying to journal, hence this blog. I will be writing the more personal things ya'll don't care to know in a book at home, but suffice to say you can read most of My Journey '08 right here.
As for sharing the Gospel, I am working on a couple projects that will enable me to be sharing with women in different walks of life. Details aren't solidified, but they will be soon, God willing!
Manageable, measurable, accountable. Success.